Saturday, April 14, 2012

St. George Trip: Mike's Version

On our trip to St. George, we met up with Clarissa's good friend from cosmetology school, Erin Russell. As they chatted, the topic of husbands posting on a family's blog came up, and I was challenged to do so. I have been planning to put something on here, but Clarissa beat me to the punch. But here goes my version of the trip...

The highlight of the trip, for me, was when I upheld my wife's honor by winning her a stuffed bunny from the claw. I might as well have been that guy carrying the giant stuffed bear that he won for his girlfriend at the fair, showing it off to everyone. That's how I felt at least. Lifetime record against the claw: 2 - (too many to admit to).

Clarissa is going to be irritated with me about this next one, but someone has to document it:  the rock at Zion National Park is certainly red, and Clarissa is getting a bump.

She's a cute little mom. Her back hurts, she has allergies, and that little guy loves to wiggle even when she'd like to be sleeping, but despite all of this, she still is the happy, fun Gus that everyone loves, especially me. She still looks dang cute--look at her hiking outfit. 

Another thing I like about Clarissa is when she enjoys something, it's easy to tell. She lights right up and has the cutest smile. I found a cool restaurant, Anasazi Steakhouse, that I knew she would love, and she did. She's always wanted to go to a fondue place, and this place had a great fondue appetizer and dessert. The appetizer was Swiss cheese fondue, which was great. Very delicious, with bread, carrots, broccoli, whatever. But the main course was most interesting. I had a steak, and Clarissa had Mahi Mahi. They serve it on a "hot rock," which is a flattened brick-looking stone. They heat it to 700 degrees, and you can feel the heat. They season the meat, and it comes out somewhat cooked on one side, but the side facing up has never touched a cooking surface. It's raw. So the trick is, you cut bite-sized portions and flip them over to finish the cooking. They sizzle, and after about 15 seconds or so they're ready to go. No worry about your steak getting cold--in fact, you had to wait after forking a piece before putting it in your mouth. It was a fun way to eat, very interesting.

Anyway, I had a great time with my cutie, I'm really grateful for her, and I'm grateful we were able to go on a little trip before Hubert comes (Clarissa hates the name, but I'm hoping to wear her down by persistent repetition). She's a nifty lady, but that is no news to those that will read this.


  1. woot woot! yay for mikes post! so cute, i wish we lived closer so we could all be hang out buddies! it was AWESOME seeing you guys, even if it was just for a little chat.

  2. Well done Mike! I love your version!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are very wonderful and amazing too! Thank you so much for taking such good care of Clarissa and Stu and Hubert!
    Love you!!!!!

  3. i love the belly bump!! You are so darn cute!
