Thursday, April 5, 2012

April already??!!

I can't believe it is already April!! I guess we have just had plenty to keep us busy, time flys when your having fun right?? Here are some of the fun things that we have been up to...

Stu got to play in the snow a grand total of 4 times this year. Everytime it snowed we stopped everything to go play since I knew it wouldn't last long!


This was when we were in Idaho. Stu got the honor of wearing the Raiders snow suit!!
Stu has finally decided that it is ok to eat what we have for dinner.

Bouncing of the Walls!
We went with some friends to this fun place. Stu loved it!! I thought there was NO way he would even think about going up the big slide and sliding down, but I before he realized what he was doing he climbed up and went down! ...It was really fast, he wouldn't do it again! (:

Jazz Game
Mike's work has season tickets to the jazz games and we have been lucky enough to go to a bunch of them! 


  1. Wow! You guys have been doing lots of fun stuff! I'll have to learn all your tricks of getting him to eat what you're having for dinner. Lila isn't picky yet, but i'm crossing my fingers it never happens!

  2. I am so glad Stu has decided that food is for eating! And I love the picture of you and Stu out in the snow. Stu is brave, Sarah and Ty think the Jazz mascot is too scary.

  3. Why is Stu on the other side of the street in the raiders suit? Who knows? What fun times(O:
