Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Boys --

Today I have decided that I LOVE boys!
Yes, of course I really decided that when I decided to marry my favorite boy four years ago. But, being surrounded by boys all day long I am not always certain on my "boy love level". I will admit there have been times when I have wanted to sell both boys to the gypsies. I go crazy that pillows never stay on the couch, that there are cars EVERYWHERE and that there are stains on my cute chevron rug. BUT, when preparing for Mike's Birthday surprise party I couldn't help but wish that my four brothers were there to help set up tables and to let me order them around like slaves! Something they are always so willing to do. (0: They are the greatest most willing and helpful boys. I have always been impressed and proud of my brothers thinking that they were just special, that these were traits that belonged solely to my brothers and is a credit to my amazing parents. {{Which it is!}} This has made me worry about how in the world I will be able to raise my two boys to be like their father, uncles, and Grandpas...
Reason #1 why I have decided that boys are great!--
I was so happy yesterday at a R.S. activity to learn that there are actually other boys like my brothers!! I was shocked! I arrived late to the activity and didn't want to walk in in front of everyone, but all of the doors were closed so I didn't know which was the front. There were some young men in the hall way for mutual and I asked if they happened to know which door was the back, they didn't but one of them offered to look in for me so they wouldn't see me looking in if it was the front. All his idea. Call me sappy, but I thought that was SO thoughtful and nice! And, from a teenage boy! Wow! I was so impressed. {{We don't need to talk about how I was also on my period and extra sensitive...}}
Reason #2---
After the activity was over the same boys came in and asked if they could put all of the chairs and tables away for us. Now, this wasn't their leader telling them to do it. The YOUNG MEN came in on there own and asked if we needed any help. So nice! Again I was impressed and expecting the boys to pull of masks and actually be my brothers, but they weren't!
Reason #3---
I went to Walmart to get a few things and as I was walking out I heard a conversation of two boys walking in...

Skinny boy #1- "Slow down, my pants are falling off, they are falling down right now!"
Stocky boy#2- "haha! I wish I had that problem. My pants, they stay right were I put them!"
hahaha!! Boys are great! They don't care. If this were two girls it would have gone SO much differently. And, we all know how differently.

 I feel overwhelmingly inadequate to be the mom to these wonderful boys but at the same time, SO grateful that they are willing to be my little guinea pigs! I know that only with Heavenly Fathers help{{and Mike's of course}} will they be like these other outstanding boys. I know they will be!!


  1. They are the cutest! You are a wonderful Mom!
    We do have wonderful brothers that is for sure!

  2. You are such a good mommy! I love your little boys, and especially one of your brothers in particular! I know i'll be looking at your parents and your examples as we raise our (future) boys.

  3. Oh I love your post. I will have to show it too the boys. You are a great big sister and mommy. I love you and all your boys! Hugs
    p.s. I have had days when I have seriously considered teh gypsys too. (O:
