Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas --part 1-- with the Ryans

After I see past the craziness of planning... I realize the blessing that it is to have both of our families so close to each other! I love that we don't ever have to miss out on visiting Grandparents during Christmas time.

We had an early Christmas celebration with Mike's family.

 Stu helped EVERYONE open their gifts!

And, he helped Grandma find presents under the tree.

Awwww.... (0:

He was really good at opening his own presents too.

Mike got this thing. ...Its Something for a gun.

Graham was cute and liked Jeff and Josie.


Grandpa and Grandma knew just what Stu wanted.

And what Graham wanted.

 {{{{Now, imagine a really great picture of me with a cute high bun and Ida's scarf on (because I forgot to wear a necklace or anything) ...Nope it doesn't exist, because I forgot to take a picture of myself... Story of my life! But I was there and had a great time too!}}}

 Then we had a Birthday party for Lisa! Which included this cute angle cake!!

And, because no one can blow out their own candles, Stu helped.

Thanks Ryans for a great Christmas!!


  1. What a great Christmas! I don't know if those presents would get opened if it wasn't for Stu. Looks like they loved letting him help. Love his opening present in action!

  2. From Sarah: Stuey is really cute doing that.

  3. From Ty: Stu is really fun to play with. I like Stu's mater cars.

  4. So cute! Your family is adorable! And I'm sure you looked super pretty with your high bun
