Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Utah game

We were lucky enough to get to go to a Utah game about a week ago. I guess most people know that just saying Utah means University of Utah, I don't know how all boys just come that conclusion when there are clearly three schools in Utah with football teams. I also learned that you can' t call them U of U because there is another school with that exact name, so for others like me.. we went to a University of Utah game!! It was my first real game and was really fun! I learned pretty much how football works and actually enjoyed watching the game rather than talking to friends since the only other football games I have been to were in high school and that is what I did! Another thing that helped me enjoy the game would have to be our amazing seats! You know when you look at all of the seats from far away, and then above all of the seats you see the boxes with windows and even higher seats?! Well that is where we sat. Mike's bosses are Big University of Utah fans and go to all of the home games so the bought a box, and we got to go! It was cool, we felt very rich, not to mention that our tickets said V.I.P. it was sweet!

1 comment:

  1. You are just so so cute!! You know more to football than I do!! I just know they get the ball and then they run and fall!!! ;D
