Monday, September 16, 2013

About Ithaca #3 -- Dang humidity!

Need I say more...
- Have you seen these chocolate pretzel things?? They are delicious and the perfect treat for a 3 year who loves to unwrap {and eat} candy! But, the humidity hated them. They got sweaty and melted and set over and over again.
 = they taste good but look bad= I couldn't take them to friends= I ate most of them!

- This humidity has been wreaking havoc on my hair.. Mike has been making fun of me because my hair and I have a serious love/hate relationship right now. Some days I love it and others I wish more than anything that I had Kim Kardashian's hair. {Which is extensions} Whenever I straighten my hair I just try to stay away from mirrors. (: My hair frizzes out like a mane.

- Stu has always been pretty good at working up a sweat, but with the humidty he is kick n' it up a notch! His head is usually COMPLETELY drenched whenever he is playing outside. (:

- In addition to humidity, our apt. bathroom came without a fan. So some days it is almost impossible to get dry after showering.

- A lot of days I only wear eyeliner and mascara. Everything gets wiped off in like 3 seconds.

Needless to say, I am excited for fall. Supposedly it is less humid!! AND, beautiful with all of the trees and fall colors!

On an unrelated note---  My boys are cute!


  1. The Reeces treats look good! I will have to try them. I was telling someone the other day where you lived now, and they said it is so beautiful starting October. Hang in there. I have to agree about humidity. We have had rain every day and my hair has been banished to buns and pony tails. Which frizz all those little curls out anyways. But best to avoid mirrors and focus on those cuties. They sure are sweet and probably don't care if your hair is frizzy. Love you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. oh those boys are so good at sharing!!!!!! I love your blog. I'm sorry about the humidity...but welcome to my world. and I was in high School. hahahahah (O: You are having so many wonderful experiences. I 'm glad you have always been one that loved adventure!!! xoxoxxo

  4. You are so funny, and I am really enjoying reading about your new adventures!

  5. Got to love the HUMIDITY!!!! Are your boys eating popsicles for breakfast?? Because Abigail eats them whenever she wants, can even open them herself so there is no stopping her...

  6. The top right is the cutest picture ever. They look so happy together and are the cutest little boys I've ever seen. Can't wait to see you all again soon! There isn't as much humidity here, but let's just say I've "done" my hair less than 10 times these 8 months...just let those curls go crazy! I'll bet it's dang cute--you just aren't used to it yet;) And there's no wrong way to eat a Reese's.
