Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I stole this video from my Moms facebook. It is so good. Made me cry. I am so grateful to have a Heavenly Father that will catch me when I fall.


  1. Hi Clarissa,
    Lisa & I just watched the video. It made me cry too. It makes us remember just how much our Heavenly Father loves us. It was neat to watch.
    Ida & Lisa

  2. Is there any way you could send a tissue along with your blog post? Thank you for that reminder that we are not alone in this "race". Our Father is always there to help us in whatever way we need. Aunt Shirley

  3. Clarissa HI! Okay I had no idea that you had a baby! he is so adorable and it looks like you and your little family are doing great!! I'm glad we found each other through blog stocking :)

  4. yup that was an amazing video! I definetaly cried!
