Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Stupid CAT!!

So about a month ago we noticed little signs all around our apartment buildings advertising for a free black cat. Some guys son had moved and couldn't take his cat so they were looking for a new home for him. Well, apparently the search was unsuccessful because there is now a black cat that roams around our building all of the time! Mike thinks it is cute and pets it even though I don't let him touch anything (or anyone. meaning me!) until he washes his hands! So for this I blame him.....

This last Sunday was the Sunday of the month that I had to work and since our church and work are the same time I didn't go to church with Mike. He left, a little later I left, no problem....so we thought! After church he came to see me at work for a little bit and went home.. then came the phone call back at work. Mike asked me if I had left the door open or anything before I left that morning, me thinking I don't know, weird question, asked why?? Well, says Mike, "you don't want to know but, when I opened the door that black cat was sitting right inside our door and then ran out when it saw me!!" Ahhh!! DISGUSTING!! I remembered that I had opened the door and then saw my cell phone sitting on the computer desk, so I left the door open for like 10 seconds to grab it and then left! That stupid cat had run in right when I turned away and had itself a little party in our house!! After I told Mike that he better check everywhere for poop! I spent all the rest of work thinking of all of the things that the cat could have been doing in our house for 3 and a half hours! GROSS! I want to tell the apartment people to get rid of that cat and Mike just feels bad for it...this may eventually be a problem!! (:


  1. Ya know....I am totally with you on stupid cats....we just got rid of ours today. If I knew that you were such a fan of them I would have shipped him to you over night fed ex!!! ;D

  2. You crack me up! I'd be pretty freaked out if a strange cat snuck into our house to though. Good luck keeping him away.
