Monday, March 5, 2012

_ Baby Boy #2 _

I can't believe how big my little Stu is.. (and even more that we will have another little boy soon too!) He has so much personality and many opinions on how he wants things to be! As you can see in this picture!! I love his little attitude! (most of the time)
-He sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and the ABC'S all by himself (his version of course)
- He LOVES toast
-He will eat chicken nuggets, french fries and ketchup anytime of day, and asks when we go somewhere to eat if they have all three of those things! They ARE neccessities.
- He loves animals and can say all of their sounds including a Rhino, who sounds like..... I don't really know.
- He loves to read books and color
-He loves Elmo, Thomas the Train and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
-He does really well in nursery, and always eats things there that he will not eat at home..
-He likes to play by himself and is VERY particular when playing. Everything gets lined up just right!

Today marks 1 week of NO BINKY'S at our house!!! The first day that I told him it was broken and that he can't have it anymore I felt so bad taking away one of his favorite things, it is sad to realize how big he is. I can't believe that we have had him with us for 2 whole years!!

Yes, we are pretty sure ^^ that it is a boy!!

It's about time I posted something on here about our new little boy addition!  We are very excited to have another little buddy around here soon. I can't wait to see what Stu thinks. We tell him all of the time about the baby in Mom's tummy and he just looks around to see a baby somewhere... But more and more the word baby has been coming up in his half-understandable language so I think he has an idea of what is about to come!! 

I have realized being pregnant this time that I didn't take ANY pictures of myself pregnant with Stu... I was not (still not) a fan of belly pictures but now I wish I could go back and remember how it was the first time. I can't remember hardly anything about being pregnant before. So, this time I have taken some pictures and plan to document things a little better.

- BABY BOY #2 at 24 weeks -
Of course I can't do anything with out a little help from Stu!! He had to brush his teeth since we were in the bathroom.

I LOVE this cute face!! Can't wait to see what the next one looks like.


  1. Love the feet on the table! He is sure a cutie.

  2. Would you be up for me taking a few maternity pics of you near the end of the pregnancy? I think baby bellies are adorable!! We can include Stu in some too. I haven't been doing much for my photography lately because I like to be outside and it's been too stinkin' cold but maybe this spring/summer we can get some good shots. Let me know.

  3. I LOVE how he eats!! And you look super cute!! can't wait to see the next little one!

  4. so excited for you! isnt it crazy how much you can forget already from the last one..congrats on boy #2!!

  5. You are so awesome! I love you and ur boys!!(O:
