Friday, January 28, 2011

Another Year Gone

Well, another year is gone and we are busy as ever with all of the January happenings, church callings and trying to figure out what we are doing 6 months from now.

Mike just finished applying to the three schools we chose and so now the worst part begins...waiting. He is still working here in Cottonwood Heights and was just given a huge job of making some giant spread sheet thing. They LOVE that he is the master at excel!! Mike also is the membership clerk in our ward and is keeping very busy with our crazy transient ward. Stu and I have been hanging out at home a lot together since it has been SO cold, he is getting pretty good at walking and is doing it more and more even though there is no reason for him to walk in our mini apartment. He humors us! Stu is also quite the little talker! He talks so cute and A LOT!! He reads books (or sits and pulls all of the books off of the shelf and talks to them) but he will not sit in my lap and let me read to him, to boring I guess! I have been trying for a couple weeks now to get a video of him talking, but every time I would turn the camera on he would hear the little camera beep or jingle and just watch to see what I was doing. Well, finally last night I tricked him, I went into our bedroom and turned it on so he couldn't hear and then came back to record him, it worked like a charm!! So hear you are, Jabber Stu:


  1. He does have the cutest little voice! Feel free to come and let him run at our house any time!

  2. So cute! Its so fun when they do more and more like walking and talking..boys are busy! Logan does the same thing with the camera I have to sneak on him too to catch anything!

  3. What a cute jiber jabber. We have never heard him talk like that. So much fun to hear him. (O:
    Good job mom on out smarting him with the camera. (O: hugs
